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Survey with Redirect and API integration

  • conceptsauce
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1 month 1 day ago #264718 by conceptsauce
Survey with Redirect and API integration was created by conceptsauce
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Hi everyone, I have been looking around for a survey platform that could help us. Our clients use Confirmit, decipher etc. But we do not want to use this.

What I am trying to do is, setup a simple survey, that allows the respondent to be redirect to an external platform then back again to continue the survey. the url pattern is like so
Then once the respondent is back to the survey, an API is called of this external platform to get the data then merge this into the main LM survey. 

Is there anyone out there who can help me create this?  we have done this in Confirmit, Decypher, Qualtrics, but these platforms are used by our Clients. what we want to do, is see if we can use LM for some small scale research. 

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