What I understand is:
There is a question of type "multiple" with subquestions coded "AF1", "AQ3", "AV9", and some more
Now one participant has an additional attribute "AF1, AQ3, AV9"; another participant may have "AF3, AP7, AV9, AR1, AB5"
And you want to show the resp. subquestions.
If this is correct, you do this with the function "strpos(haystack,needle)" as subquestion condition,
Make sure that the result of the function is not 0; 0 means "not found".
You can do this by adding some character at the start of the attribute, like "#AF1, AQ3, AV9"
Why did you not only ignore the questions at the beginning, no, you removed them.
It is not a joke that we ask these questions.
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless