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Group participants by custom attribute in anonymous survey and evaluate by group

  • Introser
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9 months 6 days ago #259009 by Introser
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I have a kinda big survey with a few thousand participants in total. The survey for all participants is the same. They have to rate their executive. So the surves is anonymous.
In addition to the employees, the executive itself rates himself too. So in the end, he can compare. "My employees rate me with around 2.5 at question XYZ while I rate myself with 5". The executive answer the exact same survivey as the employees.
In addition to that, other executives from the same company rate the other executives too. So they can compare between "Thats what my employees rates me, thats what I rate myself and thats what my other executive collegues rate me".
In the past, I made 3 surveys for each executive. One for the employees, one for the executive itself, one for executive collegues.
I have do redo the survey now and since its size increased, it would lead to around 400 surveys in total. Evaluating this is a pain.
So I tried to put everything in one survey and group them by custom keys. I managed to do that kinda easily and would be able to handle the complete survey in just one single survey.
The problem at the moment is the evaluation. I cant get any custom participant attribute in the exports. Its kinda make sense, since the creator could abuse it.
But anyways, is there maybe any way to go around that? I cant turn of the anonymous state. I tried to do it with like hidden questions etc, but couldnt manage to do it.
Does anyone knows a way?
Maybe with a different approach?

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  • Mazi
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8 months 1 week ago #260961 by Mazi
We have set up more than a dozen such 360° surveys. Technically it is possible to pass some participant attribute into a hidden question even if the survey is set to be anonymous. For this you need to populate the values by URL so the default {SURVEYURL} needs to be replaced.

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke

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