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How do I need to modify my code to have both short text questions in the array? Additionally, is it possible to have numeric inputs instead of short free text QT and how do I do customize the following code?
// Identify the questions
var thisQuestion = $('#question'+{QID}+'');
var nextQuestion1 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
var nextQuestions = $(nextQuestion1);
var nextLength = nextQuestions.length;
var sqLength = ('tr.answers-list', thisQuestion).length;
// Hide the short-text questions
// Move the hidden text inputs into the array
for (i = 0; i < nextLength; i++) {
var workingIndex = (sqLength - 1) - (nextLength - i);
var nextQ = nextQuestions;
$('th.answertext:eq('+workingIndex+')', thisQuestion).append($('input[type="text"]', nextQ)).closest('tr').addClass('otherRow');
// Some styling...
$('input[type="text"]', thisQuestion).css({
'width': '100%'