to be honest, it's a lack of testing.
As far as I understand,
in English you coded: 1= USA, 2 = Germany
in German you coded: 1= Deutschland, 2 = Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
So, what do you expect?
You could have created a (hidden) single question,which you set according to the language.
Or you could have coded:
1= Germany
2= USA
3= Germany
and hided one of the "German" options according to the language.
But it's too late.
On the other side:
We do not see this "statistics" as a tool for final analysis, only for a quick overview while the survey is running.
You usually use a specific tool like SPSS, R, Jasp, Jamovi, even Excel, or so.
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless