Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: 6.4.5 LimeSurvey hosting: Survey theme/template: fruity_twentythree
Do you know if I can use the ExpressionScript feature and if yes, do you know how to program the following:
- Calculate a sum score for only specific questions within a question group to then show participants a the end of the survey a specific text if they surpassed a certain value for the sum score. I would like to do this for multiple sets of questions within the same question group.
So for example from group 2, I would like to sum up Question 1 (G2Q1), G2Q3, G2Q6 and G2Q7 and display a text if sum score >= 10. Besides that, I would like to sum up G2Q2, G2Q4 and G2Q5 and display a text if sum score >= 10.
Due to standardized order of the questions, I cannot put them into individual question groups.
Do you have any idea whether that is possible? Where can I read up on that?
There you find the function "sum(arg1, arg2, arg3,...)" and the function "if(test, result_if_true, result_if_false)".
This is all you need. IF the SUM of these questions is greater than 9, display a text, else do nothing
In LimeSurvey-synatx {if(sum(Q1.NAOK, Q3.NAOK, Q4.NAOK, Q6.NAOK)>9,"You are a wonderful person","")}