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Survey URL & UTM parameters from different sources

  • MariaAP
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4 months 2 weeks ago #256771 by MariaAP
Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.6.7
Hi everyone,

I have created a survey that I am promoting on different social media platforms via paid ads. I have created a set of different ads and I would like to be able to check which ones are more successful (i.e., which ads get more clicks and lead to more completed surveys). I have activated the option to collect data regarding the referrer URL, however, this only tells me the platform (e.g., TikTok, Facebook...) the participants come from but not the specific ad. TikTok and Facebook ads manager have the option of adding UTM parameters to identify the ad the person sees and clicks from. For example, for my survey, when creating one ad, I added the following parameters in bold to the survey URL with information regarding the social media platform (green), the ad group (blue) and the ad name (orange) :

researchsurvey.griffith.edu.au/index.php/793193?lang=en ?utm_source=tiktok&utm_aid_name=group1boys&utm_cid_name=ad1boy

My question is, is there any way to collect this data in LimeSurvey under "Responses"? I read that this is possible to do in Qualtrics by using embedded data but I can't figure out how to do it in LimeSurvey.

Thank you very much!


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  • DenisChenu
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4 months 2 weeks ago #256786 by DenisChenu
All are in manual : manual.limesurvey.org/URL_fields#Start_URL

In your situation : you must use manual.limesurvey.org/Panel_integration
(but maybe you can update the parameters name ?)

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  • MariaAP
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4 months 2 weeks ago #256879 by MariaAP
Thank you so much for this! I didn't know where to look but this worked!

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