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Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.6.47+231128
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Self hosted VPS
Survey theme/template: Customized version of Fruity
1) Usecase - We are interested in developing a survey that at the end of the questionnaire gives the user their results relative to the average of ALL OF THE PREVIOUS USERS that took the questionnaire. So, for example, if 100 users have taken the survey and the average score is 23 and the 101st users takes the score and they get 50 we want to be able to do a calculation on that and tell them they are X% above the average.
2) I have read this page:
That page discusses statistics from the perspective of exporting the data for evaluation in other tools or it describes the Public Statistics feature that shows a survey summary to users which is not what we want.
3) Is it possible to access the data of all of the users that have completed a survey dynamically so that we can do some calculations and display a unique result?