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I need to make a survey or voting system in which I need to create a question to select your favorite country and in which we can select multiple country.
Each participant who votes , has 12, 10, 8, 7, 6 , 5, 4. 3, 2 & 1 point voting options to allocate to their Favourite they can allowcate these points to the country they like.
why did you ignore the questions at the beginning?
How many countries do you want to offer to select? All 200+? Or less?
I would recommend
an array (text) with two columns and ten rows. First column either with dropdown or autocomplete to select the country, second to enter the points.
Is it mandatory to select 10 countries?
Of course there are many other solutions.
Depends on you.
How do you want to display and collect the data?
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless