I have some exciting requirements from a client on the table and I think I have solved them. But I wanted to reflect with you briefly to make sure I haven't overlooked anything. The client uses Limesurvey less for surveys and more as forms. So, for example, holiday applications, etc. These are all internal and secured via a reverse proxy, so that only logged-in users can access the surveys.Now, however, there will also be forms that should be publicly accessible. So, for example, sending a customer a link so they can fill out an order, etc.We don't want to create extra users for the secure internal area, as this would come with all sorts of effort (extended user management, roles, external users would have to register, etc).I've solved it like this: Limesurvey is installed again, accesses the same database as the internal version, but the path is public and excluded from the authentication mechanism of the reverse proxy.When you call up a survey via the public path, you can access it without authentication.This works - I've already tested it.My question to you: Am I overlooking something from a security perspective? For example, I will delete all the admin modules in the public path so that the admin area can't even be called up.Thank you very much for your feedback.