Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version:
LimeSurvey Cloud
Version 6.4.2
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:
Survey theme/template:
I would like to ask participants in a Dictator game the following question:
You both receive an initial endowment. You receive €100 and your opponent receives €50. You are allowed to redistribute this initial endowment.
The possible values range from -50 (you take everything your opponent has) to +100 (you give him/her everything you have).
Your opponent receives: [then here is a simple numerical query]
I would now like to insert two lines: "Your current balance" & "The balance of your counterpart"
These balances should update with the numerical input in the answer field.
e.g. "Your balance": 100 -(-50) =150
Is it possible to do this? Either via settings in Lime Survey directly or via JavaScript?
I appreciate any help!