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Identifying users without user entering ID

  • Biscuits
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5 months 3 weeks ago #254113 by Biscuits
Hi all,
I'm hoping to survey participants using the same questionnaire over a few months (repeated measures/longitudinal design). Participants will be invited to complete the questionnaire via email and I understand that when they click the link, the system will generate a token for their response, so that when they are invited to complete it again some time later, their responses at the different timepoints will be linked with a ID variable.

My question is whether it is possible to know what the email address was that questionnaire results came from.
To explain: I have other sources of data from the same participants and it would be good to link these sources up in a master dataset, but do I need to explicitly ask participants to enter their email address in LS, or can this be automatically obtained and stored somehow by LS?

I did a quick search of the forums and couldn't see an exact match for my question...

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5 months 3 weeks ago #254116 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Identifying users without user entering ID
at first: Why did you not only ignore the questions at the beginning, but removed them?

In an open survey you don't have any information about the respondent if you do not ask them in the survey.
What you call token seems to be the SAVEDID; an autoincrement ID of the responses.
Meaning: If I am the first person who answers, this response gets the ID 1, the next ID 2,...
And if I answer again a month later this response may get the ID 1167.
No chance to link something.

But you wrote, you invite the respondents via email. So you know them.
Then you can create a closed token based survey. Now the data of the respondents are in your dataset. Furthermore you may add additional data (your "other sources") as additional attributes to each respondent.

So either you have to ask them for a special unique code (many questions and answers about this in the forum) or you use a closed survey.

And of course:
Read the manual about open and token-based surveys.


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5 months 3 weeks ago #254123 by Biscuits
Replied by Biscuits on topic Identifying users without user entering ID
Thanks for the quick response. That was very helpful and clears things up for me.

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