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Hi everyone, I would like to ask some question.
I've already made a array (text) question with some Javascript. The 1st column will decide if the rest of the columns can be filled or not. When "exist" is chosen in the 1st column, user can proceed to fill the rest of the columns. But if they chose "none", the rest of the columns will automatically filled with 0 and change to read-only.
It works fine, but when user want to change from "none" to "exist", the rest of the columns still in read-only condition and the 0 value still inside.
How should I do to make that when they change answer, the rest of the columns back to where they can fill the answers?
I've tried adding "Reset Row" button like shown from this discussion
but it's not working. I knew it's not working because it's an array question, not array (texts). But I tried to change it a little, and still can't make it works.
Survey is attached. Thanks in advance.