Hi everyone,
I wish to collect self-reported data on alcohol consumption by using a validated measurement known as the Timeline Followback (TLFB) method. This method works by presenting respondents with a calendar and getting them to fill in the number of drinks they have per day, usually for a 90-day period.
I have created a static calendar by modifying an array:
Ideally, however, it would be great to have an embedded dynamic calendar where respondents can indicate 'marker days' (e.g. special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries) to help with their recollection of alcohol consumption. Here is a link to an example of how it is done:
I would like to know if it is possible to replicate this on limesurvey, and/or if anyone had any recommendations on who I could possible engage to help me with development.
At the same time, many of my respondents will only be able to access the survey using their mobile phone. I have configured the survey such that it maintains the calendar format even when using a mobile phone, but as you can see from the screenshot below, it is not ideal.
Any suggestions or thoughts on how to go about this? The TLFB relies on the use of a calendar so other formats will not work with this measurement.
Thank you!