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LimeSurvey Cloud
Version 6.2.9
Hello everyone, I have a quick question. I've been reading the manual and forums for long time, but I couldn't find a solution on how to solve my problem. I'm not a coding expert, but I also couldn't find any solution and it's making me crazy, and I'm pretty sure it will be something quite simple.
I have a first question that is an array with checkboxes. There, the participants should check the boxes that can apply. See the picture Array01 attached.
Then according to their answers, I have a mutliple text question for each category, asking why did they chose this category for every row selected. See picture Array02.
However, when I select other categories, those rows are added to all the questions. See picture Array03. E.g., the software is taking all options in a single row.
I tried using Array filters (they didn't work) and Relevance equations (!is_empty(G03Q41_SQ001), for example), trying to adapt all examples I could find, but I always have the same problem.
I'm pretty sure it won't be that difficult, and I found some codes that might help, but I can't make them work.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you!