Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: CE 6.2.0 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server Survey theme/template: Own custom theme
How can I show the list of survey groups on the homepage by customizing any theme or developing a plugin?
I tried creating a plugin and calling the event 'beforeController' & push the survey group over there. Doesn't work.
Secondly, I tried creating a custom theme &
accessing the survey group data from 'layout_survey_list' but the theme doesn't have access to survey groups.
Here's an example how I tried:
//get the survey group data {% set surveyGroups =()()%}//print the data{%if surveyGroups %}<ul>{%for group in surveyGroups %}<li>{{}}</li>{%endfor%}</ul>{%else%}<p>No survey groups found.</p>{%endif%}
Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by ziankabir. Reason: refoormat code