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I am trying to make an equation to qualify the scores of a scale but I have a question. The scale reads: Score from 1 = "No risk" to 4 "Great risk" and consider the answer "Hard to say / I don't know" as not answered. Therefore, I need the number of questions with which the average is made to be variable depending on the number of questions answered in a matrix. For example, if the respondent only answers 4 questions out of 6 (not responding Q1_2 and Q1_4) it will be like this:{(sum(Q1_1.NAOK, Q1_3.NAOK, Q1_5.NAOK, Q1_6.NAOK)) / 4)}
instead of {(sum(Q1_1.NAOK, Q1_2.NAOK, Q1_3.NAOK, Q1_4.NAOK, Q1_5.NAOK, Q1_6.NAOK)) / 6)} if all questions are responded.
Can this be made?
I attached the survey .LSS in English with the equation and values.
Attachment not found
Thank you!