Don't worry. It is not a big deal. Your "it is not convenient" just sounded a little odd so I made a snide comment.
The thing with LSS files is that it can save us a lot of back and forth. Because experience shows, that people usually only tell us "half the story" in the forum. Often we see a lot of back and forth that could have actually be solved quite quickly with a simple LSS export.
And just so you know: we totally understand that you can't (or don't want to) share your complete survey.
Actually, as I said, we prefer not to have the whole survey, but rather a copy with only the relevant parts (and the questions and answeroptions can be "anonymized", or if it is easier, a quick mockup of the issue.
At the end, this was not the case here, but sometimes we have an idea on how to solve the issue, but would need to test and play around ourselves. Then a small sample survey comes very handy, as we don't have to create a mockup based on your described scenario (which at the end might be different as we imagined) and can directly work on your base design.
However, in your second explanation it seems like you could convey your issue in a way that we could understand it and find a solution.
So I assume you could solve your issue? If not, let us know. We are both generally quite friendly and don't bite, at least most of the time.