Dear everyone,
Unfortunately I couldn't find/get an answer to my question, so I dived into it myself.
Found a solution (doesn't deserve a beauty prize, but it works and that's what matters).
To adjust a survey that still has 'current' respondents, you can do the following (I do not give any guarantees of course and is entirely at your own risk!):
- Deactivate the survey and, just to be sure, note the name of the backup table that will be created (which starts with lime_old_survey_<survey-ID_<long number>),
- Open the database where the survey is running. Look up the 4 tables with the names: lime_saved_control (these are the current respondents), lime_survey_<survey_ID> (this contains the answers, can also be retrieved via LimeSurvey itself when reactivating the survey), lime_tokens_<survey-ID> , lime_survey_<survey ID>_timings.
- Export these tables (or a subpart of them, in case of lime_saved_control. Filter there with: SELECT * FROM lime_saved_control where sid=<survey_ID>;
I myself use MySql Workbench and there you can easily export selected records as SQL inserts.
- Good. Everything is secured. Then you can (still to a limited extent, so it is wise to first copy the survey and make changes there and then import the responses from the 'old' survey to see if everything is in its proper place), modify, add questions, etc.
- Reactivate the survey. Import the tables you saved earlier into the database (this can also be done via LimeSurvey itself, it will then ask the respondents for the table name that it mentioned at the very beginning).
- Et voila. Now it should work, including the URLs and passwords that the respondents entered themselves, for resuming later, still work.