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LimeSurvey Community Edition
Version 6.0.3+230424 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own Server Survey theme/template: Fruit
Dear Experts,
I'm using a survey to collect feedback from users but face an issue with the hidden questions. We have some hidden questions to prefill answers from the custom URL where we created custom attributes to capture the values. The big problem is that when users click the URL, even if they didn't really submit the survey since the hidden questions are auto-filled, the survey will be taken as incomplete. If users refresh the web browser, it will show the ticket has been taken as we have the ticketID with an equation to control each ticketID value that can only be used once.
It seems to be a conflict but I still wanted to seek your assistance if anything we can work this around.
This is the second time that you say "we have an equation" (remember your other thread about the submit button)
So, which equation. How do you check? Only complete surveys or also incomplete?
How do you call the survey? example of URL:
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless