I am happily downloading data using LSRC api interface. I am working on setting up a user who would have a minimal set of permissions so that answers cannot be changed. I think I got this, but verification would be helpful:
I need to check only in two rows of permissions. One is "Permission to create surveys" and there I need to check "View/Read" and "Export" - so that I can download the data. If I want to be able to modify or insert responses with this account, I also need to tick "Update" permission in this row.
Then I also need to check "Use Internal Database Authentication" row (just one box there) just so that the user can create a session with their username/password.
Would this be the minimum set of permissions required? Or if I ever only wanted the user to be able to read locally, I could just limit to "Export" and "Use Internal Database Authentication"?
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Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.6.13+230327
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server on cloud (A2hosting)
Survey theme/template: (default)