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Survey participant export: howto distinguise partially completed from others

  • priza
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1 year 11 months ago #241110 by priza
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we'd like to be able to distinguise participants who tried but not completed the survey, from others that didnt even started. now we can make two exports:
completed and not yet completed.
is there a way to make a single export with this information?

also, is there something in the API that helps in an automated way to do this?


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  • holch
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1 year 11 months ago #241111 by holch
I am not quite sure what your issue is. You can export ALL responses, completed or not completed into one export file of course. It is actually the default:

And then you have the column of "last page" and also "completed" in the response tab of the backend that will allow you to determine who has completed and who hasn't (despite the indicator that those incomplete will lack some answers, of course):

This is how it looks like in the export:

So there is no "completed" column, but there is the submit date. If the survey hasn't been completed, you won't have any submit date, just like here for response 1 and 2, both did not submit the form completely.

In last page you will see the last page they have seen. Here it is "1" for all, because my example just had 1 page, but in a survey with more than one page you will see different "last pages" for those that got to the last page or not. They still could not have submitted. So the best way to tell if they are complete or not is the fact that they have a submit date. Here it was an anonymous survey so the actual date and time was not recorded, but a standard date instead.

No Idea about the API, not using it.


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  • priza
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1 year 11 months ago #241117 by priza
hey thanx for the quick response.

i was talking about the participants export, not the responses. there you can see the different export types:

which give this csv

we want a single export, either csv or through API with users that completed full or partial only. in tihs export you can only see clearly fuuly completed. all others look the same.

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  • DenisChenu
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1 year 11 months ago #241118 by DenisChenu
When you export response: if survey is not anonymous : you can add the token column at end.

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  • holch
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1 year 11 months ago #241127 by holch
OK, so I understood it wrong.

In reality what you want is to distinguish 3 profiles:
1. Respondents who completed the survey
2. Respondents who started the survey but did not complete
3. Respondents who did not do anything (haven't even started).

Profile 1 is clearly visible in the export of the token table, your issue are to distinguish between profile 2 and 3.

Seems like there is no way to have this detail directly in the token table export. You might have to join the token table with the responses table through the token to get this information.

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  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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  • priza
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1 year 11 months ago #241219 by priza
thanx for your replies, they were very helpful

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