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Your LimeSurvey version:
LimeSurvey Cloud
Version 5.6.0
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Cloud
Survey theme/template: Fruity
I have a survey with ID 173941 where eachrespondent has a token and he can (and should) answer once a month to the same survey, so there is a multiple response setting for each respondent.
I have a question with a date (ex Q01DATE).
I would like to add a welcome message where each respondent can find the last date he inserted on the survey and this date should be given by the maximum value of the question Q01DATE on the same survey, for example "The last time you put the following date: 10-01-2023".
How could I pass the date answer to the following compilation survey every time he runs it?
Thank you in advance, best regards