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Version 5.5.1+230103
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:
Own Server
Survey theme/template: custom
We have a survey that starts with a pre-test "group" of 20 questions. These 20 question draw from a hidden group of 64 questions to facilitate randomization.
The subject then views a training video and after proceeds to the post-test.
The Post-test "group" of 20 questions is drawn from a separate hidden group of 64 questions so I can again facilitate randomized of questions.
This all seems to work fine up to this point.
The problem i'm having is the scoring of the pre and post test. I have three assessment rules.
1) Scope: group / Question Group: "Pre-test" / Minimum: Zero Maximum: 200 (correct answers have an assessment value of 10). Message: Vehicle Pre-Test Score: {TOTAL}!
2) Scope: group / Question Group: "Post-test" / Minimum: Zero Maximum: 180 (correct answers have an assessment value of 10). Message: Vehicle Post-Test Score: {TOTAL}. Failed!
3) Scope: group / Question Group: "Post-test" / Minimum: 190 Maximum: 200 (correct answers have an assessment value of 10). Message: Vehicle Post-Test Score: {TOTAL}. Passed!
Accurate scoring does not work well.
So, basically at the end of the survey i'd like the user to see the total score of the pre-test. For the post test, below 189 points the message will show "Failed"; above 190 the message will be "Passed". The user may only get one question incorrect.
Any ideas to adjust/improve the design to make this work?