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Dear all,
I must do a survey for my master thesis and I have 4 different scenarios. After the introduction, I need LimeSurvey to randomly assign each participant into 1 of the 4 surveys (and show only 1 of them, NOT the 3 others).
As I understood from previously answered questions, I must do an equation question in my introduction and ask LimeSurvey to generate a random number that will give a different scenario to each participant. That is where my question is: people keep saying that we must do this equation question and put "randnumber" in the "equation code", but I don't understand where this equation code is, as LimeSurvey defines it as a unique number to find the question ^^'
And after that, I don't understand what I must do with my random number. How does it assign one of the scenario alone?
Thank you very much for your help (as you can see I'm a bit lost ^^)