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Can I call/show the "This question is mandatory" using custom validation?

  • niekschwarz
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2 years 1 month ago #238941 by niekschwarz
LimeSurvey version: 3.22.15+200505
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Server provided by University
Survey theme/template: Vanilla
Dear Limesurvey community,

My survey is setup that the participant can view questions per group. As I needed a part A and part B in order to run the experiment, I needed to first hide the last 2 questions of a question group. When completing part A and then seeing part B, the participant is never allowed to go see part A again. This has to do with comparing diagnosis with and without an AI. However, using the regular submit/next button that is provided by LS, I encountered the problem that the entire page of the question group would refresh if 1 question was not answered. Consequently, this would result in the participant seening Part A of the question group again. 

Therefore, I created a custom function to hide/show part A and B, and a custom validation function in order to check whether all the questions are answered. However, it would be nice and look more professional if the "this question is mandatory" text would show for the unanswered question in the question group (i.e. without refreshing the entire page/question group). Is there any way to do this? I have been going through the many LS files for a way to do this, but so far my search has come up empty.

Many thanks in advance!

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