Version 3.17.0+190402
First one thing: Your installation is from April 2019. This means your installation has not received any updates, bug and security fixes for 3,5 years. Considering that you potentially collect personal data and that this software is accessible from the internet, you should consider to update at least to the newest version of the LS 3.x branch --> 3.28.42 (221213), but there is already LS 5.x out.
I am trying to create a survey or form question that will allow the person *taking the survey* to add an image from a mobile device, call on the camera, take a picture, and associate it with the question. Is that possible? Thanks
there is no question type to "take a picture" directly on the smart phone. You would need to use a "file upload question". Your respondents can take a picture with the normal camera of the phone and then use the "file upload question" to upload this image.
To find the question types available it is a lot better to read through the manual (
) rather than clicking through every question type in the GUI. In general it is recommendable to at least read through the question types on the manual, to understand the available options, especially because Limesurvey has questions that have functionalities, that one might consider a separate question type. is offering a "camera question type", but afaik this only works within their app: