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LimeSurvey Community Edition
Version 5.3.32+220817
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Survey theme/template: fruity
Hello everyone.
I've been having a crisis for the last three days. I am trying to construct a relatively simple survey structure, but I do not know how to use detailed functions.
My problem is simple as this: generating random numbers without replacement.
For example, assume these are in a magician trick hat
1,2,3,4,5,6. In the first selection, my possibilities to select any of them are random. Assume that I picked the 2 in the first operation. There should be left the others, 1,-,3,4,5,6. I am excepting establishing this procedure where all 6 numbers are drawn. After that, I want to redo this process starting from the 7th participant.
1. Participant: Randomly allocated 1 of the 6 groups. (assume that it is 3; SO, 3 will not be included in the next random number generation process)
2. Participant: Randomly allocated to 1 of the 5 groups (assume that it is 2).
3. Participant: Randomly allocated to 1 of the 4 groups (assume that it is 4, There is no repetition, as you can see)
4. Participant: Randomly allocated to 1 of the 3 groups (assume that it is 1)
5. Participant: Randomly allocated to 1 of the 2 groups (assume that it is 6)
6. Participant will be allocated to the
After that;
7th participant is randomly allocated to one of the 6 groups.....
Additionally, I want to do it separately for each different 4 language group, but still...
Currently, I am using:
0. {SAVEDID-6*floor((SAVEDID-1)/6)} (conditioned with 6 questions listed below)
1. random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999)) for allocation
2. random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999)) for allocation
3. random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999)) for allocation
4. random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999)) for allocation
5.random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999)) for allocation
6.random number generation (floor(rand(1,6.9999))for allocation
1. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 1 is 6, show this survey
1. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 2 is 6, show this survey
1. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 3 is 6, show this survey
1. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 4 is 6, show this survey
1. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 5 is 6, show this survey
1. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 1, show this survey
2. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 2, show this survey
3. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 3, show this survey
4. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 4, show this survey
5. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 5, show this survey
6. if the result of the random number generator 6 is 6, show this survey
If I change the random number generation base for the following participant IDs, for example, (floor(rand(2,6.9999)), (floor(rand(3,6.9999)) .... (floor(rand(5,6.9999)), There will be a repetition in randomness. For example, the First participant and sixth participant could get the 6th survey because of the no-limitation problem in the first place.
If I delete the surveys starting from the second set (for example, 1st survey in the first, 1st, and 2nd in the 3rd set, and so on and so on. The above described problem arises again.
I am stuck...
I will be very happy if you help me.
Best regards,