Well, one last word.
Split the question (well, you already know it)
1. an equation called "TotalScore" with only {sum(Q1.NAOK,Q2.NAOK,...)}
without this assigment "TotalScore="
Now you create a column in the database called "TotalScore" where the result of the equation is stored and can be accessed later.
You assign values to a different (existing) question to preset it or use it as a (hidden) container
2. Show the result in a "text display"
Always use to appropriate question type.
"Your level is {If(TotalScore<25, "Beginner", if(TotalScore<75, "Intermediate", "Expert"))}"
And try to understand the IF function "IF(condition,true,false)"
{If(TotalScore<25, "Beginner", if(TotalScore >=25 && TotalScore<75, "Intermediate", if(TotalScore>=75, "Expert", "Error"))}
"TotalScore >=25 " is not necessary,because it is the "false" part of the first condition (<25) -> this part is only reached by scores >=25
"TotalScore >=75 " is not necessary,because it is the "false" part of the second condition (<75) -> this part is only reached by scores >=75
What you do, is not really a nested if. You show three independent IFs like
{If(TotalScore<25, "Beginner","")}
{if(TotalScore >=25 && Total_Score<75, "Intermediate", "")}
{if(TotalScore>=75, "Expert", "")}
The result will be the same
How do you imagine to reach the "Error"?
All numbers (from -infinite to +infinite) are covered by your three levels
As they say, when you can do in in one place, why do it in 2
Becase the way you do it
a. displays both values - the sum and the text.
b. stores both into your answer table in one column (like "12 Beginner", "78 Expert")
I assume you want to calculate some statistical values of this score later (mean, std.deviation) or run some statistical tests.
Then you have to split these entries in your analysis tool.
3. You use assessment values to calculate the score.
Of course this is possible, but sometimes not necessary.
Only, if there are negative assessment values or two or more answer options have the same assessment value you must use them.
Usually you use the numerical code of the answer options.
Advantage: These are stored in the database, while the assessment vaules are not.