each group / question / subquestion has a field "condition"
Question level:
Here you enter a logical term that is either TRUE or FALSE.
If TRUE the subquestion / question / group is displayed, if FALSE it is not.
Therefore you often see a "1" in this "condition" field.
In the programming language "0" means FALSE, "1" means TRUE
As described in the manual
Now, what is your condition for "G03" (group "In Person")?
This is a group. So you enter the condition on group level.
Either the respondent selected code "AO01" or he selected code "AO02" in question G01Q03.
Written as a logical term:
G01Q03=="AO01" OR G01Q03=="AO02"
Exactly the same for group "G04" ("Zoom")
Either the respondent selected code "AO02" or he selected code "AO03" in question G01Q03.
Written as a logical term:
G01Q03=="AO02" OR G01Q03=="AO03"
And if you use numerical codes instead of this "AO01", "AO02" you may do it shorter instead of using text as code and have to surround with brackets.
Especially in questions like G03Q01.
I assume later you will calculate some statistical values, like mean, std.deviation, median,... and do some tests like t-Test,...
How do you do this with text?
To be honest: The mean of "AO01" and "AO04" is not "AO02.5"