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Your LimeSurvey version:
Version 3.28.34
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:LS
Survey theme/template: extends_vanilla
We want to limit the number of characters a person can enter into a Comments box in the 'List with Comment' type question. I know this has been asked before, and I found a thread that said we could use the following in the Question validation equation section, but I tried it, and all it said was that the Survey question hadn't been filled in.
Our question is
MR06 (ID:3093), so I put the following in the "Question validation equation" area:
{strlen(MR06_comment.NAOK)} < 100, and I put this in the Question Validation tip:
You have entered {strlen(MR06_comment.NAOK)} of 100 characters. However, as stated, it doesn't say "You have entered x of 100 characters"; it just says that one of the questions hasn't been completed correctly.
Have I done something wrong here?
TIA for any help