Your LimeSurvey version: [5.3.5]
I am trying to export my survey results as PDF, using the LimeSurvey WebApi.
The result ist always null.
If I add the optional survey groupids parameter, there is an error message in the response: "Error: Invalid group ID"
But I am hardcoding the correct group ID...
My Post method looks as follows:
client.Method = "export_statistics";
client.Parameters.Add(JsonRpcClient.SessionKeyParamName, sessionKey);
client.Parameters.Add("iSurveyID", 133394);
client.Parameters.Add("docType", "pdf");
client.Parameters.Add("sLanguage", "de");
client.Parameters.Add("graph", true);
client.Parameters.Add("groupIDs", Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.FromObject(groupids));
Please help me...