that's because of your arraqy filter
E.g. if BA2_SQ003 isn't displayed and BA2_SQ003.NAOK is not defined, especially it is not equal "A1".
You should use the function "countifop".
{if(countifop(">","A1" ,BA2_SQ001.NAOK ,BA2_SQ002.NAOK ,BA2_SQ003.NAOK ,BA2_SQ004.NAOK ,BA2_SQ005.NAOK ,BA2_SQ006.NAOK ,BA2_SQ007.NAOK ,BA2_SQ008.NAOK ,BA2_SQ009.NAOK ,BA2_SQ010.NAOK)==0,1,0)}
Meaning: If no one of the items was rated greater 1 the result is "1", otherwise the result is "0".
If you use a "better" coding of the subquestions to distinguish between these 10 (SQ001, SQ002, ...) and the rest (RQ001, RQ002,...) and use numerical codes in your array (1,2,3,4,5)
you can shorten this to
I was a bit confused about the question text of BA2.
There are more brands displayed than I selected as "aware of" in BA1.
I never said that I am aware of "Healthgarde".
Seeing your survey again I think there is something missing in your sample.
There is an exclusive option SQ019 in BA1 but no subquestion with this code.