Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: [5.3.26] Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: OWN Survey theme/template: bootswatch (extended) Flatly
Hi to all!!
I'm not so confidential with themes development, but I want to change some colors of the bootswatch Flatly default theme. This seem simple using, for example, bootstrap Live customizer. So I try to change navbar colours and I did.
Now I have a personalized version of the Flatly theme with the downloading of these files: theme.lss, variables.less, theme.min.css, theme.css
I can't figure now how to use this files in lime configuration.
Thinking i must replace these files in one of the theme directory? And if right what files, in what directory I must to change?? Has someone any hints or suggestion ??
I would not modify theme.css. I would add your downloaded styles to the custom.css file, perhaps increasing the specificity by preceding all selectors with ".yourThemeName".
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