Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: Version 2.72.3+171020 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Survey theme/template:
Hello everybody,
I have a question, where I ask to indicate the walking time to different stops of public transport. For each stop the participant will indicate the minutes of walking. There is also an "other" option, that indicates, that there is no stop accessible. I added a Screenshot of the question for better understanding.
I used a dual array type for a question, but it very much feels like a bad workaround, because I cannot use an "other" option and I need to leave the second scale empty (which is basically not allowed). The use of the Dual Array question type only makes sense, if I can hide the second scale.
If you have better suggestions for this type of question, I'd be also very happy!
By the way:
You were really lucky that I still have a LimeSurvey installation of version 2.50/2.73.
You see your version is 4.5 years old without any security fixes.
You should consider an update. Or is it a university installation? You should mention this.
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