1) Place a hidden equation question in the first group containing this equation (let's use code "startTime" for this question). It uses the ExpressionScript
time() function to load the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. It also uses the
is_empty() function to ensure that the start time is not updated when returning to the group.
{if(is_empty(startTime), time(), startTime)}
2) Place a hidden equation question in the last group containing this equation (let's use code "endTime" for this question). It uses also the ExpressionScript
time() function to load the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. It will be updated when the survey is submitted.
3) Place a hidden equation question in the last group containing this equation (let's use code "elapsedTime" for this question). It records the difference between startTime and endTime. It will also be updated when the survey is submitted.
{endTime - startTime}
4) Then you should be able to tailor the End URL something like this:
{if(elapsedTime < 120, 'URLfor speedsters', 'URL for normal responses')}
Sample survey attached (with equation questions shown for testing):