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SQL CODE THAT FAILED: Error on response update

  • blocka
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3 years 10 months ago #214987 by blocka
I have a survey where our staff are doing phone interviews and using the public view of the survey for data entry. This means they complete the same survey multiple times from the same web browser.

We are using the URl with newtest=Y (like this domain.com/164233?newtest=Y&lang=en#

Today, we suddenly received a lot of email error notifications with the intro:

An error occurred saving a response to survey id 164233DATA TO BE ENTERED:
token: N/A
... SQID list with response values (data appears to be captured all the way to the end of each survey -- so it appears the error occurred on the Submit of the survey)
Error on response update
Any ideas what might cause this? Survey is set to Display by Group, and the most questions we have in any group is 23.

I'm running 3.25.20+210330 on PHP 7.4 and MariaDB MariaDB 10.3

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