I have 3 different surveys I wish to distribute evenly, however I want to do so using the one link that randomly distributes my 3 survey to respondents.
I found this old topic on the forums where someone had the exact same query as myself:
Both of those solutions require that you create a remote (outside of LimeSurvey) PHP file and place it on a web server. You will need a little PHP/HTML skill and access to the server.
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
In regards to your second suggestion, are you saying to create a new survey that has no contents, its URL will be the one you have provided and its sole purpose will be to redirect participants to my three surveys?
In regards to the URL you have provided, for this section: (random == 1, 111111, if(random == 2, 222222, 333333))}
for the 111111, 222222, 333333 etc, what text do I actually insert here? Is it the current URL's I have for each survey into that space?
You could hide all content in the "redirection" survey and use JavaScript to click "Submit" but it would be easier to provide some text content and have the respondent click through to the following survey.
The example URL I provided is the End URL in the "redirect" survey. The 111111, 222222, 333333 are the survey IDs of your following surveys.
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.