I have an array(Yes/No/Uncertain) question and I want to follow it up with a detailed array question but I want only those options to be displayed that were selected "Yes" in Q1. Is it possible to get a conditional sub question in a follow up question and if yes, how to do so?
Yes, of course:
Use the subquestion relevance of your array question.
And I always recommend to activate the survey, enter some well defined values and have a look at the answer table.
Here you see that a Yes/No array codes "Y"/"N"/"U".
So enter in your subquestion relevance something like Q1_SQ001=="Y"
In my opinion the use of these predefined arrays is outdated.
Using a normal array you are much more flexible. (just three answer options "1=Yes", "2=No", "99=Uncertain", or whatever.
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I had an additional query - Is it possible to add a comment box to Array questions? I have an "Other - Please specify" sub question and would in general like to add a comment box following all such questions. Is it possible to do so?