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export_responses_by_token not returning multiple choice with comments

  • sshaffer
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4 years 5 months ago #192773 by sshaffer

I'm using your api to return survey responses, and I can't seem to get it to return the comments associated with a question type of multiple choice with comments. I'm calling the export_responses_by_token method. Here are the parameters I am passing:

Client.Parameters.Add("sSessionKey", SessionKey);
Client.Parameters.Add("iSurveyID", surveyID);
Client.Parameters.Add("sDocumentType", "json");
Client.Parameters.Add("sToken", token);
Client.Parameters.Add("sLanguageCode", "en");
Client.Parameters.Add("sCompletionStatus", "complete");
Client.Parameters.Add("sHeadingType", "full");
Client.Parameters.Add("sResponseType", "long");
Client.Method = "export_responses_by_token";

For a response, I am getting this (just cutting and pasting the relevant json, there is a lot more than this obviously):

"question": "You indicated that a family member was diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. Please select any which apply and tell us which of your child's relatives was affected. [Von Willebrand disease]",
"answer": "Yes"
"question": "You indicated that a family member was diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. Please select any which apply and tell us which of your child's relatives was affected. [Comment]",
"answer": ""

The question is "You indicated that a family member...", the checkbox is "Von Willenbrand disease", and the text is supposed to be in "Comment" answer, but as you can see it is blank.

I'm not sure if there is any other setting/parameters I should be using to get it to return the comment, but the api documentation web page seems to be unavailable ( api.limesurvey.org ) so I'm posting a question here.

Thank you,
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