But when we open the SPSS file, there are some missing values of some variables which are not o/1 coded, because they originally had a Lickert scale as answer categories
So, what is your problem?
There are data missing in the variable of the scale? Or?
Was the scale mandatory or not?
If not, was there the "no answer" option?
Was there a relevance equation?
So, many questions.
And it's difficult to answer without seeing your syntax file and the data file.
As the data file is a plain text file you may remove all lines except ten or so, but leave the lines where you see the issue.
Then send it.
In most cases it is a problem of the syntax file, that you changed something accidentally.
With the default options and only adding the file path to the syntax file you should get everything.
BTW: I hope your scale is not coded "A1", "A2",...
And the scale_export:
This is an attribute of the variable, which you set in LimeSurvey.
This is to override the automatic guess.
E.g. if you want to force a "scale" where LimeSurvey would handle it as "ordinal"