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Complex survey with repeated fields and pre-fill needs

  • dmcheng
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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #187310 by dmcheng
Hello, I am new to Limesurvey and would like to know if it has the capabilities below. Apologies if this has already been asked; I searched and didn't find anything obvious:

I have a long complex survey that must be completed by teachers every week.

1. One complication is that each question must be answered for every class the teacher teaches. Example: if Teacher A has 3 classes, then she must answer each question for 3 classes.

2. To make a better user experience, each question should display the answer field for all possible classes at once. Obviously this is better than having a single class per question and having to repeat the question for each class.

3. Another complication is that some questions may be array text type ( manual.limesurvey.org/Question_type_-_Array_(Texts) ), so we would need to display the array for each class in the question.

4. Yet another complication is that we want the teacher to be able to save an incomplete survey and return to it later (due to its length and tediousness). So we need the ability to prefill the survey with existing response data.

Can all this be built in Limesurvey? Can you point me to any documentation or good examples?
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by dmcheng.
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4 years 10 months ago #187327 by Joffm
well, there is no big difference. The teacher has to answer the same amount of questions.

2. To make a better user experience, each question should display the answer field for all possible classes at once. Obviously this is better than having a single class per question and having to repeat the question for each class.

If these questions are single punch questions, you can use an array (text) with drop-downs.

3. Another complication is that some questions may be array text type ( manual.limesurvey.org/Question_type_-_Array_(Texts) ), so we would need to display the array for each class in the question.

Multi punch or array you may display vertically on one page.

4. Yet another complication is that we want the teacher to be able to save an incomplete survey and return to it later (due to its length and tediousness). So we need the ability to prefill the survey with existing response data.

This is normal behaviour. You don't have to prefill something.

And read about "micro-tayloring" and "relevance".
So your survey design will not be too complex.


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4 years 10 months ago #187469 by dmcheng
Thanks for your reply. I'm not clear on what you said regarding the array question. If a question is an array like this:

and the user has to answer for multiple classes, can I display a separate array for each class within the single question?
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