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Same randomization order for following questions

4 years 5 months ago #204496 by oksana
Hi guys, I was looking for this solution Tony is written about for some long period of time. I imported the last survey example in my LimeSurvey 3.6.3. Does anybody know what should I change to make it work in my version?
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4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #204513 by tpartner
This will maintain the order in multiple-choice questions, in different groups, using columns, in version 3.22.210.

(if using an earlier 3.x version, disable AJAX in the survey theme options)

In the first question:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    //Identify the questions
    var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}');
    var hiddenQuestion = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
    // Create an array of answer codes
    var answerCodes = [];
    $('.answer-item', thisQuestion).each(function(i) {
    // Load the hidden question
    $('input:text', hiddenQuestion).val(answerCodes);

In following questions:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    //Identify this question
    var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}');
    // Determine the number of items in the first column
    var rowCount = $('.answers-list.multiple-list > ul:eq(0) .question-item', thisQuestion).length;
    // Retrieve the answer codes from the "randomOrder" question
    var answerCodes = '{randomOrder}'.split(',');
    // Loop through the answer codes
    var row = 0;
    var column = 0;
    $.each(answerCodes, function(i, val) {
      // Move the answer item
      $('.answers-list.multiple-list > ul:eq('+column+')', thisQuestion).append($('.answer-item[id$="X{QID}'+val+'"]', thisQuestion));
      if(row < (rowCount-1)) {
      else {
        // Increment the column
        row = 0;

Sample survey attached:

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...9(1).lss
File Size:74 KB

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by tpartner.
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Moderators: tpartnerholch

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