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Problem with validation equation with 2 dropdown values

  • DenisChenu
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5 years 6 months ago #177796 by DenisChenu

holch wrote: if it is 1,2, etc it takes it as integer/number and lets you compare it as numbers. Or am I mistaken.

No, not currently :

@testls2018 use code with number (0 to 100) and text as number too (same than code)

But comparaison is done as string ( 5 > 10)

Behaviour in 2.6lts : compariason is done as number ( 5<10)
In 2.73 (and 3.X) : done as string.

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5 years 6 months ago #177806 by holch
OK, so my knowledge is still form 2.6 LTS!

I think it was better the way it was in 2.6, because it is easier to compare. Now you need intval in any case then. Good to know.

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