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Relevant question show on only in statistic report

  • LSSSurvey1
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5 years 7 months ago #177575 by LSSSurvey1
I have a survey that has total of 100 questions, the first question ask client about their location, and the other 99 questions are relevant questions. so if client select their location is Texas, then only 10 relevant questions out of the 99 show up on their survey.

Is there a way for me to generate the statistic report and filter it for one location ( Texas for example), and have the report automatically show the relevant questions of this exact location that i selected?

like i don't need to see the 99 questions for every location i select, and manually selecting the 10 relevant questions seems a hassle and confusing to my bosses those run the statistic reports.

please help if you know the answer.

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  • holch
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5 years 7 months ago #177586 by holch
The statistic tool with in Limesurvey (as for most survey tools that I know) is very basic. While it allows quite a bit of filtering, it is not a analysis tool. I don't think what you are trying to do is possible. Of course you can filter the answers based on the first question, but as far as I know, all questions will be shown.

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