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Massive filter without altering conditions

  • Panoramic
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5 years 7 months ago #176524 by Panoramic
Hello, we are designing a survey to gather information from associations in a territory with subterritories.

We have the survey already designes, with different filters and itineraries, but now we have to apply a first 'pass filter'. One of the first questions is: 'in which territory is your association', and you can choose one option from a single choice question list. Here only some territories are able to continue with the survey, so i wander if it is possible to program some kind of filter that if you select any of the territories that are not included in the survey, you can't continue with the survey and a message apears indicating that in 2018 the survey only includes 'x, y and z territories'.

Afterwards, the associations that are allowed to keep doing the survey, they have to select the city in which they are doing their activities (there are multiple groups of citties -single choice questions- that are conditionet to appear just if their territory has been selected). Here again, i should be able to reproduce the same kind of filter from the last question: only some cities are allowed to keep answering.

I know it's not the most intelligent way to preceede, but it's a comission we have to do, because the orderers want all territories to be visible although some of them can't answer.

I would like to be able to apply some kind of filter without doing a 'massive condition' for every question: 'show this question onli if 'territory X, o Y, o Z, o city M, o N, o Q have been selected' for all the questions of the survey. This is the easy and simple way of doing it, but complicates all the conditions that are already set in the survey because there are other 'specific territory questions' inside the survey.

Not sure if i've explained myself correctly..
Thanks for your help.
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  • tpartner
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5 years 7 months ago #176529 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Massive filter without altering conditions
You can use quotas to screen out the ineligible answers. Set a quota of 0 on those answers.


Tony Partner

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5 years 7 months ago #176536 by jelo

Panoramic wrote: I would like to be able to apply some kind of filter without doing a 'massive condition' for every question:

LimeSurvey isn't offering a "Skip-to" function, which cost hours for such surveydesigns.
When you use Quotas, as Tony suggested, these surveys are not counted as completes.
Often not important, but sometimes overlooked when checking stats and results.

The skip-to function is really missing, cause you often want to navigate people to the end of the survey and ask a few questions to not piss them off with a screenout ;-)

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  • DenisChenu
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5 years 7 months ago #176538 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Massive filter without altering conditions
You can use QCODE.relevanceStatus in group relevance too.

Group relevance apply to whole question inside this group

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5 years 7 months ago #176541 by jelo

DenisChenu wrote: You can use QCODE.relevanceStatus in group relevance too.

Feel free to elaborate the idea.

E.g. I have 10 groups to skip when the first single choice question is answered in a certain way (let's say one answer chosen is the trigger).

But hiding 10 groups for one answer to "simulate" the skip-to-question-function is not resulting into showing all 10 groups to all other questions. That quite common. Without a skip-to-question function it ends up into a lot of additional work. If you're used to other tools, you will expect to get it done in minutes.

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5 years 7 months ago #176553 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Massive filter without altering conditions
@jelo : i don't say it's same than Skip system :).

But it's the quickest way i know in LS.

About skipto : yes : it take some minutes more, but adding it take a lot time and can broke EM. We can do near anything with EM code are delicate …

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  • Panoramic
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5 years 7 months ago #177551 by Panoramic
Replied by Panoramic on topic Massive filter without altering conditions
We finally used the quotas, so we made different quotas in which we indicated the territories that couldn't participate in the survey, and we set the quota to 1. Then we did the survey one per each territory that couldn't participate so we activated the quotas. It's a manual option but it led to a good result.

Thanks everyone!
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