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Dinamic prefill

  • sstanojev
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5 years 7 months ago #176218 by sstanojev
Dinamic prefill was created by sstanojev

I have a group of students which need to make two surveys - one at the beginning of the course and the second at the end after 4 months. Both surveys are exactly the same - we just monitor if something changes

So basically they need to make the first survey where we collect all the required data and their user_id as a hidden field.

When they approach the second survey I want to prefill all fields with the values from the first one (based on the user_id)
So, if nothing changes, they just send the exact same answers as the first one. If not, they change only the fields where something changes.

I hope it's not too complicated :)

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  • tpartner
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5 years 7 months ago #176220 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Dinamic prefill

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