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questionaire for analysis purpose

  • babylonlin
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5 years 8 months ago #175046 by babylonlin
questionaire for analysis purpose was created by babylonlin
I am trying to create a questionaire for analysing customer current process, and would like to use limesurvey as well. This questionaire will be answered by empolyees of the customer from different departments and different knowledge background. So questions:
1. Is it possible to print the selected question (the person does not know the answer and has to pass them to his colleague?
2. Can several participants give answer to the same survey, each give answers to their knowledge area?

What came cross my mind is the using extra token attribute and group condition to redirect to different "sub surveys" and combine the results manually.

Thanks in advance for any tips
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5 years 8 months ago #175078 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic questionaire for analysis purpose

babylonlin wrote: 1. Is it possible to print the selected question (the person does not know the answer and has to pass them to his colleague?

What does "print" and "pass them" mean here?

Can you provide an example?

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5 years 8 months ago #175081 by babylonlin
Replied by babylonlin on topic questionaire for analysis purpose
Hi jelo,

I may try to give a business scenario for my purpose. I need to check the IT security standards and compliance of one customer. Normally I use 4 pages of check points (like questionaire) and send the check list to IT coordinator of the customer. The IT coordinator will try to answer all the 4 pages of questions, partially by himself and partially by his colleugues from IT department and Facility department. After that I will evaluate the results.

Can I use limesurvey to make a questionaire for this business scenario?

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5 years 8 months ago #175084 by babylonlin
Replied by babylonlin on topic questionaire for analysis purpose
One more thing,

Since the IT coordinator in the described scenario only need to ask his colleugues regarding those questions, which he can not answer himself. So
is it possible to print out these questions which he can not answer himself? Not the whole survey, but these questions with answer no answer
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5 years 8 months ago #175085 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic questionaire for analysis purpose

babylonlin wrote: The IT coordinator will try to answer all the 4 pages of questions, partially by himself and partially by his colleugues from IT department and Facility department. After that I will evaluate the results.

You can send a survey to every stakeholder. You may explain how partially answering currently works. If people share one survey and can read and comment the answers of the other stakeholders, you may hit technical limits of LimeSurvey.

Respondents can reaccess a survey via a token. You can choose settings to let people see and change the entered answers. But the technical concept behind that is not sharing the link between more than one respondent.

Threat #1: More than one respondent is reading and anwering the survey at the same time. Data loss may happen.
Threat #2: Respondent may modify the answer of other respondent. You cannot track that.

These threats may ONLY occur when you allow using sharing a token between people in combination with reentering the survey answers.

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5 years 8 months ago #175144 by holch
Replied by holch on topic questionaire for analysis purpose
It is always difficult to move an offline approach 1:1 to online. Online has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. It is not that easy to give a questionnaire to another person, just to answer a specific part, etc.

There is no option in LS to print specific questions. Maybe it is possible to create a print option via Javascript, that adds a little button to each question, but I don't know.

But I think the best way to move towards online is to fully embrace the online approach and cut ties with the old paper & pencil approach. While this might require some adaptation and new thinking, it generally is the best approach. But I am also someone who prefers to take the bandaid off in one go and quickly, instead of doing it slowly and step by step.

I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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