And if they are not in the research group they are not allowed to participate?
Here you have to use "quotas" (with a limit of 0)
Unfortunately the quota management of LS is not the very best.
You cannot use questions of type "numerial input" or "date/time" in quotas.
But this is no difficulty.
By an equation like {if(Q1<1990 OR Q1>2000,0,1)} you create a single answer (0 or 1)
This result you can use in the quota.
Or do you just avoid entries not in the range?
Here you can use "Minimum" , "Maximum" settings in numerical questions or your own validations.
"Array filter exclusion" is something quite different.
Here you only display answer options that were NOT selected in a previous (multipunch) question.
Best you read in the manual about question types and quotas:
If you have further questions about that, please send a small sample (*.lss)
Best regards