Hi there! I can't seem to find direction on this in the user manual so thought I'd ask here... Thanks for any input or suggestions!
I want participants to firstly read a series of (approx 150 word) clinical vignettes and rate their urgency using a drop-down menu. So there will be about 15 questions, with one vignette each, and a drop-down list of 4 categories of urgency.
I then want them to place all 15 vignettes in rank order but since each vignette is quite long, this will be quite a cognitive burden and I fear participants may fatigue or get confused. So I am wanting to present them with smaller groups of vignettes depending on how they responded to the previous questions. Eg. if they selected urgency category 1 for let's say 5 of the vignettes, then I want to just present those 5 vignettes and ask them to rank those... if they selected urgency category 2 for 3 of the vignettes, then I want to just present those 3 vignettes and ask them to rank those. I think this will break down the main task into bite-size pieces.
So my question to this forum is: is it possible to have the items to rank presented dependent on responses to previous questions? I hope that makes sense!
unfortuantely the items for ranking don't have an option for relevance. So the only way I see to restrict the subitems for a ranking question is an array filter. See the options on the left side when editing the question, item 'Logic' > Array filter ond/or Array filter exclusion. This way you can refer to a multiple choice question - if the items are checked or not.
May be this is a first step.
A second could be to use an Equation question before to set the checks of the multiple choice question. A little complicated but maybe useful.
Anyhow I will place a feature request to add relevance settings for the items of a ranking question.
If you want to have more rankings you can adapt it.
If these options "Urgency 1" vs "Urgency 2/3" capture all possible options (there is no "Urgency 4") you can shorten it.
Only one hidden multipole question.
In the first ranking used as array filter, in the second as array exclusion filter.
All the best
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